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FaithLent Reflections
Sarah Vincent
Holy Saturday can feel like the sleepless night-before-Christmas of the Triduum. But it can be a meaningful part of Easter—and not just a time to dye eggs or make tomorrow’s dessert.
Ukrainian nurse Iryna and Russian nursing student Albina, who are friends, hold a cross at the 13th station as Pope Francis leads the Way of the Cross outside the Colosseum in Rome April 15, 2022. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Carol Glatz - Catholic News Service
The new meditation read April 15 called for a moment of silence: “In the face of death, silence is more eloquent than words. Let us pause in prayerful silence and each person pray in their hearts for peace in the world.”
FaithLent Reflections
Doug Girardot
A Reflection for Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, by Doug Girardot
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
In preaching Christ crucified, the church reveals both our guilt and our redemption. A love that cannot step free of self eventually kills what it loves.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
We have always wanted to be God, to claim the right of truth, to receive and not to give. Yet on this night, Jesus pours it all away, our very understanding of God, over our feet and into a basin to be pitched.
FaithThe Word
Jaime L. Waters
Before Jesus gives the Holy Spirit and authorizes his disciples to forgive sins, he first offers them peace.
Frances D'Emilio - Associated Press
Pope Francis traveled to a prison near Rome to wash the feet of a dozen inmates, a Holy Thursday ritual that symbolizes humility and attention to those on society’s margins.
FaithThe Good Word
Terrance Klein
In so many of our resurrection accounts it is the voice, not the face, that reveals the presence of the living, resurrected Christ.
FaithShort Take
Jim McDermott
“The Jews” didn’t kill Jesus. And if the Gospel of John makes people think that, we should read a different Gospel on Good Friday.
Inside the Vatican
On “Inside the Vatican,” Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell and host Colleen Dulle discuss what mobility challenges Pope Francis may face during his eight Holy Week ceremonies.
Politics & SocietyPodcasts
The Gloria Purvis Podcast
A look at the historic confirmation of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and the key questions raised during the Senate hearings for Catholics
FaithLent Reflections
Keara Hanlon
A Reflection for the Thursday of Holy Week, by Keara Hanlon
After a 12-hour journey from Belize City, Jesuit Father Sam Wilson begins Palm Sunday Mass with the people of Machakilha, deep in Mayan territory along the Belize border with Guatemala. Screen grab from video taken by Jeremy Zipple, S.J.
Jeremy Zipple
The prayer of Father Sam Wilson is that more of his brother Jesuits will answer the call to serve in assignments on the peripheries like southern Belize. “It’s where we should be,” he says.
Heavily armed police guard the streets in down town San Salvador, El Salvador, on March 27. El Salvador's congress has granted President Nayib Bukele request to declare a state of emergency, after a wave of gang-related killings. (AP Photo/Salvador Melendez)
Politics & SocietyDispatches
Dany Díaz Mejía
When gang members were asked about what they must do to exit the gang, a little over half said they must join a church or follow God.
A priest prays with a death-row inmate in 2008 at Indiana State Prison in Michigan City, Ind. (CNS photo/Tim Hunt, Northwest Indiana Catholic)
FaithShort Take
Krisanne Vaillancourt Murphy
Why is it that so many of us shed tears in remembering Christ’s execution on Good Friday yet condone the state-sanctioned killing of our neighbors throughout the rest of the year?
Pope Francis speaks during his general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican April 13, 2022.
Pope Francis
Jesus’ peace “is not an armed peace, never!” Pope Francis said in his general audience. “The weapons of the Gospel are prayer, tenderness, forgiveness and freely-given love for one’s neighbor.”
FaithLent Reflections
Kevin Jackson
A Reflection for Wednesday of Holy Week, by Kevin Jackson
Arts & CultureTelevision
Sarah Vincent
Despite its first three seasons of ambitious, campy, violent fun, “Killing Eve” lost its way in its final season with a failed conversion subplot and problematic treatment of queer characters.
Arts & CultureCatholic Book Club
James T. Keane
Obituaries for Drew Christiansen, S.J., mentioned his extensive writings on foreign policy issues and the Middle East, but he was also a talented and lyrical nature writer.
FaithShort Take
Jim McDermott
The institutional Catholic Church as we currently experience it is simply not going to be able to survive, and yet much of our leadership seems content to blame the messenger and insist on business as usual. So what to do?