August 18, 2024, the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Today’s passages invite the reader to contemplate real nourishment as opposed to figurative “food” for life’s journey.
Within the digital realm, people are currently exploring friendships and romantic partnerships with A.I. chatbots. To mitigate the potential harm, it would be wise for humans to consider some legal, emotional and intellectual boundaries.
The United States is overdue for a serious conversation not just about possible changes to the Supreme Court, but also about the functioning of our entire system of government.
In a wide-ranging conversation, Pope Francis also repeated his ardent desire to visit China, discussed how he handles stress and criticism, and shared that he has experienced crises in his religious life as a Jesuit.
Look beyond the boasting and bravado and you’ll see that there is a lot more to Olympic star Noah Lyles than the persona he embodies while on the track or needling his opponents.
Every light in the stadium converged upon the monstrance, all while the congregation was led in praise and worship, singing: “I want more of you God…. No place I’d rather be than here in your love.”
'In the Courts of Three Popes' gives us Mary Ann Glendon's journey from Vatican outsider to insider and provides a captivating frame for her examination of the Vatican’s intertwined grandeur and dysfunction.
The name-calling that has become a normal—even celebrated—part of our election this year will do nothing to bridge the vast ideological chasm that divides our nation.