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FaithYour Take
Our readers
‘I don’t think I have the bandwidth this year. I’m just going to try to be a patient mom and get everyone through this.’
America Staff
After a year in which we have already given up so much, one could be forgiven for asking: Do we really need to give up chocolate, too?
FaithLent Reflections
America Staff
You’re not alone this Lent.
FaithLent Reflections
America Staff
Journey with America’s editors as they reflect on scripture, prayer, fasting and almsgiving.
FaithPope Francis Homilies
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
“Jesus announces to us that God is not an idea or an abstract doctrine, but God is the one who ‘contaminates’ himself with our human woundedness and is not afraid to come into contact with our wounds,” the pope said.
Politics & SocietyFaith
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
The restrictions include church closures. Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Iraq March 5-8, and he has events planned in churches each day.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Joseph M. McShane
We must continue to deliver a timeless education using whatever new tools come to hand.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Catherine Ruth Pakaluk
We must care for those who once cared for us.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Kathy Mears
Catholic schools can pivot in order to benefit the person.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Sean Callahan
We cannot end this pandemic anywhere if we do not end it everywhere.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Natalia Imperatori-Lee
Our nation has an empathy gap.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Joseph J. Guido
We have suffered trauma. We may do so again. But we will endure.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Nathan Schneider
Online Mass has connected us to a wider church, but it will not replace our local parish.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
The Editors
Spiritual well-being. Parish life. The Economy. Mental Health. Catholic Colleges. Hard lessons from the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Nuala Patricia Kenny
The pandemic has unmasked some health needs and exacerbated others.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Thomas H. Smolich
How does digital access cross the last mile?
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Jonathan Malesic
Human dignity does not depend on having a job.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Mary Hirschfeld
We need to see the economy in human terms.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Susan Bigelow Reynolds
We need ritual. All of us.
Politics & SocietyWhat Coronavirus Taught Us
Tom McGinn
We must remain committed to serve the vulnerable.