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Arts & CultureBooks
Eve Tushnet
For Liane de Pougy life was a banquet, and she took seconds of every dish.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jon M. Sweeney
Few artists in history have found as many devotees as Richard Wagner, for better or for worse.
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert Rubsam
Jean Giono's narrators are often grounded in a kind of eternal present, where the coach will always run and a certain tree will always stand, moving us by degrees into the uneasy past of narrative.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Brandon Sanchez
As a high school student in a rigorous art program, she had been drawn to Impressionism. Its tension—between precision and subjectivity, seeing clearly and feeling deeply—marks Leilani’s fiction output.
Arts & CultureBooks
Elizabeth Grace Matthew
Reality is messier than than fiction that reduces historical figures like Hillary Clinton to the sum of her most oversimplified virtues and vices.
Arts & CultureLast Take
Sam Rocha
The five most memorable books of Sam Rocha's summer formed "a resounding counterfactual rebuke of the cottage industry reporting the doom of Catholic academia."
Arts & CultureBooks
Franklin Freeman
In a new biography of Robert Stone, Madison Smartt Bell argues that Stone’s career involves both the American dream and the search for meaning.
Arts & CulturePoetry
Kevin Pitts
quiet shuts the door and silence makes room
Arts & CultureBooks
Maureen O'Connell
Using familiar methods of interpretation, Christopher Pramuk translates stories that illuminate paths to the transcendent when communicated through the arts.
Arts & CultureFeatures
Patrick Samway
When John Berryman and Robert Giroux met at Columbia University in 1932, they would not have expected to forge a decades-long friendship that would result in over a dozen literary classics.
Arts & CultureOf Many Things
James T. Keane
Twice a year, America publishes special literary issues devoted in their entirety to the world of literature. In Fall Books 2020, a variety of authors and genres are explored, from fiction to poetry to biography and more.
The dome of St. Peter's Basilica is pictured at the Vatican. Church officials released the 2019 budget report Oct. 1, 2020. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Father Guerrero emphasized that the Roman Curia is not like a corporation or company seeking to make profit: “Our mission will always tend to produce deficits, it will never generate enough funds [for our needs].”
FaithFaith and Reason
David AlbertsonJason Blakely
With the much-anticipated release of Pope Francis’s new encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” on Oct. 4, Catholic Christians would do well to revisit his critique of false realism and false nostalgia, and his call for the church to foster a political attitude of faithful and daring dreaming.
Politics & SocietyNews
Michael R. Sisak, Associated Press
Jeff Anderson, a lawyer representing people who say they were abused by clergy in the Rockville Centre Diocese, slammed the bankruptcy filing as “strategic, cowardly and wholly self-serving."
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Before his death from leukemia in 2006, Acutis was an average teen with an above-average knack for computers. He put that knowledge to use by creating an online database of eucharistic miracles around the world.
Politics & SocietyNews
Jonathan Luxmoore - OSV News
Church officials' concerns stem from draft amendments to Russia's 1997 Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations, which would bar "clergy who receive religious education abroad" from ministering unless they obtain "recertification within a Russian religious organization" and "receive additional professional education."
Politics & SocietyNews
Junno Arocho Esteves - Catholic News Service
Hundreds of faithful were also present at the ordination Mass, which was more subdued than past years because of travel restrictions and limited seating due to the pandemic.
FaithFaith in Focus
Jeannie Gaffigan
Here is my confession: I am a real Catholic, and I am not going to vote for Donald J. Trump.
Pope Francis greets religious as he leaves the hermitage and cell of St. Francis in Assisi, Italy, in this Oct. 4, 2013, file photo. The pope plans to visit Assisi on Oct. 3 to celebrate a private Mass and sign his new encyclical on human fraternity. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
FaithVatican Dispatch
Gerard O’Connell
Domenico Sorrentino speaks to America about Pope Francis' deep devotion to St. Francis of Assisi. The pope will sign his new encyclical, "Fratelli Tutti," in Assisi on Saturday, Oct. 3.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talks with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, during a meeting at the Vatican Oct. 1, 2020. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
Politics & SocietyNews
Cindy Wooden - Catholic News Service
Vatican officials did not appreciate Secretary Pompeo's public pressure when a meeting was scheduled just two weeks later; some saw the move as political tactic during Donald Trump's campaign for reelection.