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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Francis is not planning to allow "Laudato Si'" to suffer fate of other papal documents
In All Things
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
Why are we still listening to Donald Trump?
In All Things
Nicholas D. Sawicki
In a recent news story shared here nbsp at America it was reported that George Cardinal Pell Vatican Secretary for the Economy offered a critique of Pope Francis rsquo recent encyclical nbsp ldquo Laudato Si rsquo rdquo In an interview with the nbsp Financial Times nbsp on July 16 Pell sta
Cuban flag raised in Washington
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
On hand for the historic opening of the Cuban embassy in Washington today was Catholic New Service correspondent nbsp Rhina Guidos She writes nbsp For the first time since Dwight D Eisenhower was president the Cuban flag today flew over its embassy in the capital of the United States In 1961 th
In All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
Please donate nbsp to America Media to support our great work The second year of the papacy of Pope Francis has proven a remarkable time in the life of church His pastoral approach focused on mercy and compassion continues to change the way people are thinking about our faith Catholics and non-C
Institute for the Works of Religion, also known as the Vatican Bank, 2009
In All Things
Eileen P. Flynn
Among the many challenges confronting Pope Francis as he assumed the papacy was the issue of the Vatican Bank Francis could have taken the decisive step of closing the Institutes for the Works of Religion as the bank is officially known but instead he mandated operational reforms By replacing