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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Thanks to Cathy Kaveny at Dotcommonweal for noticing this The great church historian Henry Chadwick author of the beautifully written study The Early Church has died at age 87 in Oxford England The obituary from The New York Times is here My favorite passage from that fascinating book
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
One of Sen John McCain s chief advisers is in hot water over remarks he made to a magazine reporter Charles R Black Jr told Fortune magazine that a new terrorist attack on American soil certainly would be a big advantage to him McCain McCain quickly distanced himself from the remarks and
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
As George Bush s poll numbers sink lower than did Nixon s in the middle of the Watergate investigations it is no surprise that most Americans can t wait for next January 20th when either John McCain or Barack Obama will be sworn in as our next president But Americans are not alone The enti
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA In a moment I will return as promised to reflections on my spring seminar on the Yoga Sutras and the Spiritual Exercises But first I wish to thank all those who have been commenting on my bi-weekly entries particularly the last two on the anniversary of my ordination as occasi
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sen Barack Obama announced yesterday that he is opting out of the public finance system for the general election His campaign concluded that his internet fundraising base with more than 1 5 million donors and which raised 272 million through April could deliver more cash than the 80 million th
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
David Gibson former Vatican radio correspondent and author of The Coming Catholic Church and The Rule of Benedict has recently been invited to begin a new blog on Beliefnet Gibson full disclosure a good friend is full disclosure this would be true whether or not he s a friend one of