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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Barack Obama s decision to resign from the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago had two sides First he was undoubtedly tired of being held responsible for every outrageous or semi-outrageous or provocative or semi-provocative remark made from the pulpit there Second the good people at
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
On Friday May 30 three America editors including Drew Christiansen S J the editor-in-chief traveled to the Rose Hill campus of Fordham University in New York City to present to Avery Cardinal Dulles S J a long-time contributor to the magazine a small token of the editors appreciati
In All Things
Tim Reidy
The Catholic Press Association announced its annual awards this weekend and America did pretty well OK we did very well please excuse this rare display of pride First and foremost America was named the best magazine in its category winning general excellence honors for our three issues dat
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
The controversy over Rev Wright s and Fr Pfleger s remarks teach one overriding lesson not that zealous preaching is bad not that outdated models of dealing with race in America are unhelpfully being invoked not that a sermon can serve as a seismograph for Christian patriotism The lesson i
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is hard to tell what happened in Puerto Rico yesterday On the one hand the results were entirely predictable Hillary Clinton not only enjoys nearly universal name recognition but she represents New York in the U S Senate The large number of Puerto Rican constituents in her jurisdiction mean
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Well farewell for a week that is This week I ll be embarking on a blog tour to talk about the saints and discuss my book My Life with the Saints What s a blog tour That s what I asked when my publisher first suggested it Essentially you visit or write for a series of bl