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In All Things
James T. Keane
Among the endless reports of senseless bloodshed and revenge killings coming out of Iraq is one curious and inspiring story reported by CNS yesterday Catholic Bishop Rejects Execution of Iraqi Archbishop s Murderer Though Al Qaeda operative Ahmed Ali Ahmed was found guilty of kidnapping and
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James Martin, S.J.
The Anchoress has an honest piece on how one goes about praying for someone--even if one is not initially inclined to It s no secret that for every Catholic fan of Senator Ted Kennedy and I am an enormous admirer of this remarkable man though I don t agree with him on everything there is
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Tim Reidy
An excellent article by George Packer in this week s New Yorker traces the steady disintegration of the conservative movement Packer s history is a reminder that from its earliest days American conservativism was deeply attractive to many Catholics Writing about William J Buckley s memorial
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Michael Sean Winters
In 2007 I predicted to anyone who would listen that the Democrats would have their nominee at 8 01 Iowa time on the night of that state s caucus The effort to front-load the calendar to give states other than Iowa and New Hampshire a bigger say in choosing the nominee seemed destined to have t
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Michael Sean Winters
Similar to the sane conservatives discussed last week some pro-choice liberals have begun to back away from the most extreme positions on abortion They have shifted their focus from fighting tooth-and-nail to eliminate even the whiff of a restriction on access to the procedure to trying and reduce
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Patricia A. Kossmann
I recently returned from perhaps the best vacation of my life Eight days on the Mayan Riviera where some friends and I stayed at the Riu Palace Mexico a five-star resort south of Cancun Cozumel I highly recommend a trip there to all of you The all-inclusive package is a best buy for sure