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In All Things
Valerie Schultz
Up until maybe ten years ago it didn t occur to me what kind of bleeding the woman with the hemorrhage told of in Mark 5 and Luke 8 was actually experiencing My unexamined mental image was of a woman with drops of blood oozing from random pores who somehow did not bleed to death Then I heard
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
One of the words Pope Benedict repeated the most during his sermons and speeches while visiting America was truth although when Benedict uses the word my mind s eye sees it with an upper-case T as Truth The phrase dictatorship of relativism from his sermon to the cardinals before the conclave
In All Things
Here s the Anchoress with an exhaustive exegesis on the controversy that was bound to happen as soon as Mr Guiliani rose from his pew last Saturday Read the full post here James Martin SJ
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Tomorrow I take off for Lourdes the shrine in Southern France where well if you don t know that story you re probably reading the wrong blog Anyway let me share one thing before I leave My hosts for the trip are the Order of Malta officially called the Sovereign Military Order of M
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Dale Recinella has updated his article Ending the Death Penalty from the April 28 issue to include commentary on the Supreme Court s recent decision on the constitutionality of lethal injection Read it here You ll need to scroll to the end Tim Reidy
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Well we can t blame Fox News anymore for turning the decades-long career of ministry by the Rev Jeremiah Wright into a You-tube-driven caricature The good reverend on his own initiative went before the National Press Club and demonstrated that he is every bit as zany as the previous caricatur