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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
There are man reasons that many Democrats are hoping the results of today s Pennsylvania primary will finally bring the race to a close But if six months ago anyone would have suggested that one of the reasons to end the race is so that Bill Clinton can leave the stage they would have been lau
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The Papal Mass at Yankee Stadium yesterday was one of the high points of my Catholic life Not simply for being able to be close to Pope Benedict XVI a man with whom I from time to time disagree and being able to see the Successor of St Peter but also for being able to celebrate being Cath
In All Things
James T. Keane
As Michael Corleone once said every time he tries to get out they pull him back in Fr Jim Martin SJ will be Stephen Colbert s first guest tonight on the Colbert Report Comedy Central 11 30pm Eastern Time discussing the papal visit You may have seen Jim on television once or twice th
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
In the final weekend before tomorrow s primary in Pennsylvania Hillary and Clinton and Barack Obama have been making a last pitch to the voters You can bet that both campaigns have poll-tested precisely what that pitch should be what argument will sway the voters at the last minute Yet both c
In All Things
James T. Keane
When Benedict XVI celebrates mass at Yankee Stadium today he will be the third pope to do so Paul VI celebrated mass there on his visit to the United States in 1965 and John Paul II celebrated mass there in 1979 as well as in 1969 as a cardinal In his 1965 visit Paul VI asked Americans to
In All Things
Drew Christiansen
Forty-five years ago this month Pope John XXIII published his ground-breaking encyclical Pacem in Terris Peace on Earth arguing that world peace depended on respect for and promotion of human rights On Friday April 18 just a week after the Pacem in Terris anniversary Pope Benedict XVI addr