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FaithIn All Things
Wyatt Massey

My mind echoes a chant: Don’t look at your phone. Whatever you do, don’t look at your phone.

I am sitting on a bench in New York’s Upper East Side. Parents push strollers along the narrow sidewalk, their hands busy scrolling through the feed of a smartphone. A woman jogs through the falling multi-colored leaves. The cord of her headphones strings down to an armband. A boy rolls past on a scooter, his father in tow, head buried in a smartphone app.

Politics & Society
Nathan Schneider
Is it possible to create a business model based on more virtuous, adventuresome news-reading?
Women hold children while sifting through plastic bottles at a recycling factory in Mohammadpur, Bangladesh, Oct. 26. (CNS photo/Abir Abdullah, EPA)
FaithIn All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
No religious community can exempt itself from responsibility for the earth.
Grace Woo, featured in the video below, is a senior at the Catholic University of America.
FaithIn All Things
Ashley McKinless
Can you be pro-life and a feminist? What about a pro-life socialist?
NACST President Rita Schwartz (right)
Politics & SocietyIn All Things
Clayton Sinyai
If a bishop or school system decides to bust the union, teachers have few tools at their disposal to resist.
Politics & SocietyCulture
Jason K. Duncan
When many saw Catholics as untrustworthy citizens, Hamilton argued for their full inclusion as American citizens.