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In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
I recently received a notice that the last week in January will be known as ldquo National School Choice Week rdquo Centered in Florida the celebration would spread throughout the country with 11 000 events in 50 states the largest in U S history in order to ldquo shine a positive spotlight
Coretta Scott King, beside a portrait of her husband, Martin Luther King, Jr.
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
The life of Coretta Scott King mirrored the history of a people in a land who have always struggled for racial justice while maintaining the dignity that God had bestowed on them.
Sargent Shriver, Public Servant, Man of Faith
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
In an address to students at the University of Notre Dame on February 7 1968 a good man said this ldquo We need to make a national examination of conscience Why do we need a national examination of conscience Because suddenly we Americans seem to be panicking It rsquo s time to stop moaning a
In All Things
Ellen K. Boegel
On January 16 2015 the U S Supreme Court agreed to hear appeals from cases decided by the U S Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit that held the 14th Amendment does not require states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or recognize same-sex marriages licensed in other states The S
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, president of the German bishops' conference, delivers an opening statement during a general meeting in Fulda, Germany, Sept. 22. (CNS photo/Uwe Zucchi, EPA)
In All Things
Luke Hansen
An increasingly influential German cardinal spoke to a packed auditorium at Stanford University on Jan 15 about the challenge of organizing a free and open society that is linked with the common good ldquo It is important for the church to be in the great questions of social justice rdquo said C
Bishop Gerald Kicanas of the Diocese of Tucson celebrated Mass at the Florence Detention Facilty on October 20, 2014. Sr. Lynn Allvin, the Chaplain at Florence Federal Detention Center, is behind him in this picture (DHS).
In All Things
Tim Reidy
An hour of communion with men swept up in our immigration system.