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"Laughing Madonna," shared with America by Jan Peters.
In All Things
Valerie Schultz
Each Advent Christians reminisce about the humble yet earth-shaking birth of Christ.
Parishioners from 10 churches in Ferguson, Mo., join in peace walk to City Hall.
In All Things
Joseph J. Dunn
What community needs now is for businesses to come back, to provide jobs for young people.
Quote via Fr. James Martin, S.J.
James Martin, S.J.
You can admire police officers and still admit that they made a tragic mistake.
In All Things
Olga Segura
On Dec 3 a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict New York City police officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner on July 17 The decision arrives less than two weeks after a grand jury on Nov 24 reached a similar decision in the case of Ferguson Mo police officer Darren Wil
Bishop John Kudrick at a diaconate ordination in Indianapolis on Nov. 23 (St. Athanasius the Great Byzantine Catholic Church)
In All Things
Sean Salai
Bishop John Kudrick has served as Byzantine Catholic ordinary of the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma covering several Midwestern U S states since 2002 Born in Western Pennsylvania to a Byzantine Catholic father and Roman Catholic mother he grew up with the Roman Catholic Mass and joined the Third Or
In All Things
Sidney Callahan
The benefits of a stripped-to-essentials form of Christian monastic contemplation.