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In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
To her devotees, Amma is a concrete presence of the divine, a kind of living sacrament.
FaithIn All Things
Michael J. Rogers, S.J.
When we think of martyrs for justice in the world today the beatitudes that immediately spring to mind may be ldquo blessed are the peacemakers rdquo or even ldquo blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness rdquo We likely don rsquo t give much thought to the martyrs as the pur
In All Things
Clayton Sinyai
Soon after Georgetown rsquo s adjunct faculty and administration modeled collaborative labor-management relations for the world in their recent contract negotiations faculty at another Catholic campus have opted for union representation Adjuncts at St Michael 39 s College in Vermont nbsp have v
Puppet at the People's Climate March in New York City on September 21. (Stephen Melkisethian/Flickr)
Nathan Schneider
It rsquo s a common caricature that climate change is a boutique cause a kind of luxury that concerns only those who can afford a new Prius A lot of the most visible faces in the climate movement mdash Al Gore Bill McKibben Naomi Klein mdash imply a demographic that is white affluent and seemi
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Pope Francis put an amazingly open and inclusive vision before his audience.
Tetanus prevalence worldwide: darker reds indicate higher rates of tetanus cases
In All Things
Jason Welle
There rsquo s an interesting and troubling story playing out in Kenya where the World Health Organization has been pitted against the Kenyan Catholic bishops over claims that a nbsp tetanus vaccination program is being used as a cover-up for a mass sterilization campaign The bishops allege that th