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In All Things
Valerie Schultz
Through life's many stages, a day to overflow with gratitude for the many blessings from the hand of a loving God.
In All Things
Mark Tedesco
If the church can't embrace individuals in non-traditional situations it's lost its mission
The logo of Community Blend, a worker-owned coffee shop in Cincinatti, Ohio.
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
Supporting business models that keep wealth in the communities and families that generate it
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) 35th President of the United States
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
I cannot help but think about John F Kennedy these days I think of him not just because of that November day so long ago now when he entered that limousine smiled and waved and met that cruel fate with that limousine leaving behind in its wake a numbing ache that never went away and never-endi
"The Martyrdom of St. Clement," Bernardino Fungai (1460-1516) in the painting,
FaithIn All Things
Joseph McAuley
A prayer by St. Clement is considered part of the earliest of Christian literature.  
In All Things
Robert McCreanor
Catholic Migration Services prepares for spike in assistance needs.