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Archbishop Ignatius Ayau Kaigama of Jos, Nigeria, greets Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yostinos of Zahle and Bekaa, Lebanon, as they leave the morning session of the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family at the Vatican Oct. 9. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
Kevin Clarke
The Synod on the family 39 s General Rapporteur Cardinal Peter Erd presented the mid-term report on Oct 13 outlining the main questions highlighted over the past week of General Congregations which will now be examined in by the bishops fraternal delegates auditors and experts in the lsquo
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA I was intrigued to read in today rsquo s New York Times October 11 an article by Mark Oppenheimer on ldquo conditionalism rdquo a theological perspective on the non-eternity of hell proposed in modern times by Dr Edward Fudge Read it yourself here In my morning scan of the pa
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Continuing to set a standard on the working conditions and treatment of adjunct professors Georgetown University has reached a tentative agreement with SEIU Local 500 nbsp on all of the terms of the university 39 s first collective bargaining agreement covering part-time faculty members on the mai
In All Things
David Gibson - Religion News Service
Senior Catholic leaders meeting at the Vatican are deep into passionate debates about how the church can respond to the realities of modern family life yet at the same time they have repeatedly stressed that they are not going to alter long-standing doctrines such as nbsp the teaching on divorce a
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
'His empathy and compassion toward the disenfranchised has earned him fans worldwide.'
General Theological Seminary, via Wikimedia Commons.
Nathan Schneider
Joshua Davis rsquo s two-year-old son has congenital talipes equinovarus or club foot and the treatment requires him to wear specialized orthopedic shoes to bed He recently outgrew his current shoes and needs a new pair However the health insurance that covers him comes through his father rsquo