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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
'Our people have been abandoned' by political and religious leaders.
South Pole Telescope, Biceps2 pictured at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. (CNS photo/ Keith Vanderlinde/National Science Foundation via Reuters)
In All Things
Mary Ann Walsh
The theology schools at The Catholic University of America in Washington D C and the Jesuit-run Santa Clara University in California are among 10 Christian theology schools awarded grants to integrate studies in hard sciences into their theological curricula The grants called ldquo Science for
Cardinal Francis E. George introduces Bishop Blase J. Cupich of Spokane, Washington, left, as the next archbishop of Chicago, Sept. 20 (CNS photo/Karen Callaway, Catholic New World).
In All Things
Bill Purcell
Many iPhones lit up the night Bishop Blase Cupich of Spokane was announced as the replacement for my former boss Cardinal Francis George O M I The appointment of Bishop Cupich as the new ordinary for the Archdiocese of Chicago has been presented by many in the media as a discontinuance of ldquo
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Addressing the Catholic Finance Association in New York City October 7 2014 nbsp I am happy to come to this conversation not only as a Jesuit priest but also as a proud graduate of the Wharton School of Business To establish some bona fides I was a finance major at Wharton took a job in the
Anne Rice, author of "Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana," is pictured in an undated photo. (CNS photo/Becket M. Ghioto, courtesy of Knopf) (May 1, 2008)
In All Things
Sean Salai
'Vampires represent those of us in society who feel damned.'
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Cardinal P ter Erd of Hungary as the relator for the Oct 5-19 Synod of Bishops on the Family opened this historic discussion nbsp in Rome on Oct 6 with a presentation that seemed intended to lower expectations on the eventual outcome of the synod in 2015 while holding out a few strands of hop