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FaithFaith in Focus
Daniel P. Horan
What appeared externally on Francis' body was reflective of his interior conformity to the lived example of Jesus Christ.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Suicide note that he could no longer endure his treatment at his Catholic school.
Photo courtesy of People's Climate March
In All Things
Nathan Schneider
Paul Mayer who succumbed to cancer last November had a knack for noticing a moral crisis He might have learned it from his German-Jewish parents who whisked him from Frankfurt to New York just before Kristallnacht He grew up to become a Catholic and a Benedictine priest only to leave the clois
In All Things
Helen Costigane, S.H.C.J.
Born and raised in Scotland I left in 1979 as an ldquo economic refugee rdquo to live and work in London At that time the Scottish National Party seemed small and insignificant so much so that some people observed that they could hold their annual party conference in a phone booth Scroll forw
Nancy Frazier O'Brien
The family under discussion when the extraordinary Synod of Bishops convenes at the Vatican on Oct 5 will bear little resemblance to the family of 50 or even 20 years ago The blended and extended families created by high rates of divorce remarriage and cohabitation -- along with the worldwide migr
Scottish, British flags fly outside Scotland Office in London.
In All Things
David Stewart
With just two days until the vote, opinion polls on the referendum are too close to call.