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Politics & SocietyInterviews
Gerard O’Connell
Escalating violence between Israel and Palestine has left at least 213 Palestinians and 12 people in Israel dead since the outbreak of hostilities on May 11. In 2014, we spoke to Israeli Jesuit Father David Neuhaus on the more than six decades of conflict in the Holy Land.
Kevin Clarke
ldquo I rsquo m doing this for my future for my sons to have a union rdquo Jamine Izquierdo says holding up a sign demanding a better wage outside a McDonald rsquo s restaurant on 8th Avenue and 56th Street in New York on Sept 4 Izquierdo has worked at a different Manhattan McDonald rsquo s
Kevin Clarke
Report critical of sluggish international response to vast human rights violations
Bishop Pates prays during Mass of Thanksgiving for 50 years of Catholic Relief Services' presence in Holy Land. (CNS photo/Debbie Hill)
Pilgrimage will include prayer at holy sites in Jerusalem, Galilee, Nazareth and Bethlehem.
In All Things
Jim McDermott
Nobel laureate brought new discoveries of physics to the people
Oblate Father Ronald Rolheiser delivers the keynote address during the opening of the National Catholic Educational Association's annual convention in Boston April 11, 2012. (CNS photo/Gregory L. Tracy, The Pilot)
In All Things
Sean Salai
Father Ronald Rolheiser O M I nbsp is an Oblate priest theologian and popular spirituality writer He is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio Texas He received his doctorate in systematic theology at the University of Louvain and is a member of the Catholic Theological Soc