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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The news out of the Central African Republic in recent days has been just awful Yesterday widespread disorder nbsp broke out in the capital Bangui barricades were thrown up around Chrisitan and Muslim quarters and two protestors were killed by African Union peacekeepers The demonstrations began i
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
Springtime is a magical time of the year for memory When the grass turns green again and all the flowers of God rsquo s creation miraculously bloom anew and the last of winter has passed we naturally want to remember what it was that made us grateful to be alive to stare in wonder even and lin
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Defends "soft power" alternatives and multilateral approach to conflict resolution
In All Things
Michael Kennedy, S.J.
Over the years the state of California has spought to ameliorate the cruel and harsh sentencing of youth who committed their crimes between 14 to 17 years of age Two years ago SB9 was passed This law gives these youth the opportunity to be united to their families one day Since then California has
In All Things
Clayton Sinyai
The speaker at the Falls Church Virginia Memorial Day observance began with the usual acknowledgements ldquo Do we have any World War II veterans among us today rdquo A few elderly men stood and received the grateful applause of the audience ldquo Do we have any here who have served in Iraq o
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cape Cod MA I was remiss last week in not posting a comment on May 19 which was the 50th anniversary of the establishment by Pope Paul VI of the Secretariat for Non-Christians with his Apostolic Letter Progrediente Concilio This Secretariat became in 1988 the Pontifical Council for Interreligi