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In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cape Cod MA mdash Having just spent several months on the road and becoming more acutely aware of how many interesting interfaith events are happening near and far I am happy to make this space available to Dr Anita Ray for her report on a recent interfaith gathering just outside Melbourne A
In All Things
Michael BaxterWilliam T. Cavanaugh
We are the people Massimo Faggioli warned you about In his article seeking an end to the political polarization of Catholics in the United States Faggioli mentions us by name as representing the road not to follow We are accused of ldquo withdrawal nbsp from the nation-state rdquo ldquo withd
Father William Rowe, pictured in 2005
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Father William Rowe is back No not restored to his beloved St Mary Parish in southeast Illinois from which he was extracted by Bishop Edward Braxton for improvising parts of the prayers at Mass but back in the news in a report by Melinda Henneberger in the Washington Post and a repeat by Rober
John A. Coleman
The Vatican through the pope 39 s press spokesman announced that Pope Francis is working on his first encyclical dealing with the environment Not surprising that he chose this topic since it is a theme he has often broached On March 16 2013 Francis stated he chose the name of Francis of Assi
Patience Dodo of Gabon, who is blind, hugs Pope Francis as he leaves his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, April 10, 2013.
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
March 29th will mark a first in the history of papal audiences On Saturday Pope Francis will have a special audience for those who are deaf and blind It will be held in the Paul VI audience hall at the Vatican While it is true that popes in the past have had met individually with people who were
President Obama shakes hands with Pope Francis during private audience at Vatican. (CNS photo/Stefano Spaziani, pool)
In All Things
Miguel Díaz
The meeting between Pope Francis and President Obama can be described as a quot yes we can moment quot It has been said that under Blessed Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan a meeting of like-minded souls took place that helped to challenge and tear down a wall the Berlin Wall This