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Judi Dench and Steve Coogan star in a scene from the movie "Philomena." (CNS photo/Weinstein)
In All Things
Margot Patterson
It’s a rare movie today that examines what it means to be a Christian.
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Whence the lack of business knowledge among otherwise smart and talented men and women?
FaithIn All Things
Adolfo Nicolás
With profound pleasure I am writing to the whole Society on the occasion of Pope Francis' proclamation that Peter Faber, "the silent companion" of the first generation of Jesuits, is a saint.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
A group of about 50 Catholic scholars from across the United States has urged Catholic University President John Garvey to get with the Pope Francis spirit and take advantage of ldquo an opportune time to educate students about the importance of business ethics and global solidarity rdquo How By t
Dr. Cornel West poses with students after his talk at Maryhouse Catholic Worker on Nov. 8, 2013. Photo courtesy of Palina Prasasouk.
FaithIn All Things
Ashley McKinless
Dr. Cornel West celebrates Day's 116th birthday with New York's Catholic Worker community.
In All Things
The Editors
Due to inclement weather the symposium scheduled for tomorrow December 14 quot In the Service of the Word Catholic Media and the New Evangelization quot has been postponed New date to be determined Follow us americamag for updates