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In All Things
Elizabeth Groppe
ldquo I know their suffering rdquo the Lord said to Moses in witness to the enslavement of the people of Israel ldquo and I have come down to deliver them from the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land a land flowing with milk and honey rdquo Ex 3 7-8 Six
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cape Cod Mass Like many readers of America I am grateful to Antonio Spadaro S J the editors of America and allied journals and all those involved in Pope Francis rsquo interview which is so much in the news this week It is hard to believe where we are at the moment with this breath of fre
In All Things
Vincent J. Miller
Like so many I continue to digest Pope Francis rsquo interview Never in my life have I heard from so many people who shared they were moved to tears nbsp Never in my life have I heard so many saying their faith has been ldquo restored rdquo My instinct is to write ldquo rekindled rdquo but
In All Things
The Jesuit Post nbsp does a great job collecting some fascinating responses from young Jesuits to the Pope 39 s interview in America quot A Big Heart Open to God quot Included are Jason Welle Brendan Busse Quentin Dupont Paul Lickteig Peter Folan Ryan Duns and Eric Sundrup nbsp It 39 s
In All Things
Drew Christiansen
Of the images of the church that emerged from the Second Vatican Council the people of God was the most important and the most popular For almost 20 years it was a constant in the Catholic vocabulary even entering into liturgy But from the beginning it was regarded as suspect The late Cardinal
In All Things
Tim Reidy
America 39 s editors were all over television radio and the Web yesterday to discuss the pope 39 s groundbreaking interview with America and other Jesuit journals Here is one of the best reports from Anne Thompson of NBC News We will have more links to interview related commentary as the day p