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In All Things
Clayton Sinyai
This week witnesses thousands of trade unionists and labor activists assembling in Los Angeles for the 27th Constitutional Convention of the AFL-CIO nbsp With union membership continuing to decline the federation has been seeking new approaches to advocate for American workers nbsp The labor mov
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cape Cod MA A colleague has reminded me that 9 11 now seared into our memories as a day of tragedy and the class of civilizations is also by a longer perspective a day of hope for those committed to interreligious understanding For it was on this day in 1893 120 years ago that Swami Vivekana
In All Things
Angela Alaimo O'Donnell
There are two kinds of people in the world those who are Irish and those who wish they were At least that rsquo s how the saying goes mdash and I rsquo ve heard it quite a few times since I married an Irishman a few decades ago Most of the time I dismiss such bon mots of Irish pride for the blar
In All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
America 39 s editorial about the events of September 11 2001 published September 23 2001 Shock denial anger and depression swept the country on Sept 11 as the nation watched thousands of civilians and military people viciously murdered by terrorists Not since Pearl Harbor has the United Stat
In All Things
Nicholas Sawicki
Twelve years after the terrorist attacks of Sept 11 2001 New Yorkers and Americans throughout the nation are joined in remembrance of the lives lost that day President Obama and Vice President Biden as well as Mayor Bloomberg and countless others observed several moments of silence this mornin
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Diana Nyad rsquo s triumphant 110-miles in 53 hours swim from Cuba to Key West a week ago has moved from a warm-glow of shared sunshine to what I like to call a ldquo give-it-a-week rdquo possible non-event A ldquo give-it-a-week rdquo happening is one that gets instant sensational and uncritic