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Pope Francis is pictured cooking in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in an undated file photo. (CNS photo/courtesy of Maria Elena Bergoglio via Reuters)
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
A new book examines changes in Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Jesuit provincial to pope.
Demonstrators holding signs march during the 1963 March on Washington.
In All Things
Luke Hansen
The U S Catholic bishops rsquo Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church has released a statement marking the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom In the statement the bishops ldquo rejoice in the advances rdquo of the past 50 years and ldquo sadly acknowledge t
Ciaran Freeman
Today rsquo s news is dominated by the developing crisis is Syria International pressure is building for a retaliation to the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government Many in the military are wary of the ability to take out all of Syria rsquo s chemical weapons from the air Archbis
In All Things
Luke Hansen
Some peace activists engage in civil disobedience and end up serving long prison terms What compels someone to do this and how do the consequences affect their family members and community members on the outside Rosalie G Riegle a professor emerita in English at Saginaw Valley State University
Ciaran Freeman
In his weekly message after the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday Pope Francis once again called for peace in Syria nbsp It was also announced that Pope Francis would meet with refugees from the Jesuit Refugee Service in Rome next month nbsp In Damascus people are praying and fasting for the sa
In All Things
Michael Rossmann, S.J.
If asked to explain the causes of serious crime I would likely think of easy access to firearms drugs gangs and other things that grab headlines Perhaps taking a step back to reflect I would also think of a lack of economic opportunities family breakdown and poor education I most definitely w