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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia says the quot right wing of the church generally have not been really happy quot nbsp with Pope Francis Though I think it 39 s safe to say they are more enthusiastic about Pope Frank the folks are Jesuit Refugee Services are less happy with the Austral
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
More violence troubles Egypt as at least 6 are killed in clashes between security forces and Morsi supporters with accounts from eyewitness Meanwhile Washington comes closer to a decision on arming Syrian resistance as Free Syrian Army scores a victory in the struggle with Asaad and a UN officia
In All Things
Jake Bonar
nbsp How many times have you heard the rebuttal ldquo that just isn rsquo t the way things work rdquo Solutions whether truly good or not are often tossed aside at the first hint of systemic friction It seems as though the supposedly streamlined infrastructure we have created for ourselves c
In All Things
Vincent J. Miller
Francis has brought together spiritual questions with a structural analysis of the global economy.
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Watch the five-part interview with Adolfo Nicolás, S.J.
In All Things
James T. Keane
Folks interested in the academic world or in the ongoing culture wars around the country may have seen media coverage of the recent brouhaha over the emails Purdue University President Mitch Daniels sent in 2010 when he was governor of Indiana nbsp In those emails Daniels complained about the