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In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Faith pushes us outward, beyond the comfortable, to uncertain places.
Pope Francis at Lampedusa
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
It 39 s not much of a shock to hear it but according to Pew Researchers American Catholics are quite fond of their new pope After a little more than three months with Papa Frank 84 percent of U S Catholics quot viewed favorably quot to use Pew 39 s survey speak the new pontiff and 43 perc
HHS mandate accommodation accepted by CHA
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The Catholic Health Association and the U S bishops have parted ways over the final wording of a Department of Health and Human Services exemption and accommodation for religious employers related to its mandate for contraception coverage in new health insurance packages Michael Sean Winters at Nat
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Pope Francis 39 quotability average maintained well above 500 today when he spoke of the quot globalization of indifference quot his expression for the worldwide expansion of a kind of anti-solidarity an encroaching acceptance of the suffering of others His offered his latest entry into Bart
Pierre Rousselot
In All Things
Drew Christiansen
Pope Francis rsquo s first encyclical Lumen Fidei concluded that faith is ultimate grounded in love rsquo s knowledge of God in Christ Faith belongs to the order of interpersonal knowledge because God is personal ldquo It is love rdquo I wrote in my initial commentary ldquo that opens the eye
Cover art from "Between Heaven and Mirth," by Anita Kunz
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The other day on my public Facebook page I posted a link to Pope Francis 39 s off-the-cuff injunction against quot sadness quot among seminarians and novices nbsp Most of the commenters found it as I did delightfully refreshing but some thought that the Pope was either a belittling mental