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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Kermit Gosnell found guilty on three out of four counts of first degree murder making him death penalty eligible and mutiple other counts in his 200 count criminal indictment Here is JD Mullane News Columnist for the Bucks County Courier Times and The Intelligencer and his blow by blow account
In All Things
Tim Reidy
From Francis X Rocca at CNS VATICAN CITY CNS -- Pope Francis warned against quot gentrification of the heart quot as a consequence of comfortable living and called on the faithful to quot touch the flesh of Christ quot by caring for the needy The pope 39 s words came in a homily during Mas
In All Things
Tim Reidy
From May 11, 1963: 'Fr. Kung very definitely wants changes in the church.'
In All Things
Kerry Weber
Today rsquo s technology can do amazing things phones take photos cars park themselves Yet researchers still have not developed a device that can definitively pin down the origins of a famous image on a piece of cloth The Shroud of Turin continues to puzzle many believers and scientists alike
In All Things
The De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco has a formidable ethnological collection Especially notable is the justly world famous Jolika collection of New Guinea art and a strong collection of Meso-American murals Currently on exhibtion are some fifty items from the Vatican Ethnolog
In All Things
Luke Hansen
For the first time in years the Guant namo prison is part of the national conversation When President Barack Obama started his second term in January the prison barely received a mention But a massive hunger strike started just two weeks later and now involving at least 100 of the 166 prisoner