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In All Things
John A. Coleman
The Marin Theatre Company in Mill Valley has mounted the west coast premiere of Matthew Lopez 39 s play quot The Whipping Man quot The play won the 2011 John Gassner new play award from the New York Outer Critics 39 Circle It played there at the Manhattan Theatre Club It is set at the end o
Coffin of Venezuela President Hugo Chavez driven through streets of Caracas after leaving military hospital
In All Things
Mark Ungar
With elections in Venezuela scheduled for next week Mark Ungar of Brooklyn College offers an analysis of the issues at stake Since bursting on the scene with a failed coup in 1992 Hugo Ch vez has dominated and altered political and social life in Venezuela With his death in March the country n
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The editors of Time 39 s new quot bookazine quot on Pope Francis Pope for a New World asked me to contribute an essay called quot Why I Love Being a Priest quot which I was happy to do nbsp The essay was written after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation but before the conclave ha
In All Things
Tim Reidy
A new release from the USCCB reiterates the bishops 39 position on gun control as debate in Congress nears Bishop Blaire Urges Senate To Support Policies That Reduce Gun Violence Build Culture Of LifeThe chairman of the U S bishops 39 Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development urged t
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Back in 1975 America contributor Peter Hebblethwaite wrote about the rise of Margaret Thatcher who passed away this morning In its leadership contest the Conservative party in Britain exhibited two outstanding characteristics ruthlessness and daring Without the slightest sign of compunction or
Nicole Bengiveno/The New York Times
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Our editor Matt Malone S J is featured in this week 39 s quot Breaking Bread quot column in the New York Times From columnist Clyde Haberman In Rome one of Jorge Mario Bergoglio rsquo s first acts as Pope Francis was to call his newsdealer back home in Buenos Aires and cancel his daily deli