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James Martin, S.J.
Big news Pope Francis in a surprise move has chosen the head of the Franciscans Jose Rodriguez Carballo to help lead the Congregation for Religious Technically he has chosen the OFM 39 s quot Minister General quot to be the quot Secretary quot the all-important Number Two person in the
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Drew Christiansen
This week brought news of two significant developments for the cause of peace in the world First the United Nations approved a Treaty on Small Arms Trade By a vote of 154 to 3 with 23 abstentions the United Nations General Assembly approved a treaty intended to limit the transfer weapons to pote
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Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Because I often don rsquo t get to read the Times until late at night I learned of the New York Times rsquo legendary op-ed columnist Anthony Lewis rsquo s death in an email from Chris Keating political reporter for the Hartford Courant whom I had taught journalism at Fordham and who went on to
EspañolIn All Things
Eileen Markey
This translation has been provided by Juan V Fern ndez de la Gala The original post can be found here Esta es una historia de amor y no de muerte Estaba empezando la Cuaresma y me detuve un momento ante la tumba de tres religiosas de Maryknoll en un peque o cementerio al noroeste de El Salvado
In All Things
Kevin Spinale
In the epilogue of his latest book The Pope rsquo s Last Crusade How an American Jesuit Helped Pope Pius XI 39 s Campaign to Stop Hitler Peter Eisner offers an interesting insight on the men who held the seat of Peter during the 20th century Of the seven pontiffs that were elected during that t
Tribesman walks near a building damaged last year by U.S. drone airstrike in Yemen.
In All Things
Eli S. McCarthy
In February the Obama administration 39 s legal argument for the use of armed drones was revealed in the press The ACLU responded with legal critiques and the UN is currently conducting its own analysis Academics have been offering analysis as well such as Michael Walzer and Maryann Cusimano Lov