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In All Things
John A. Coleman
I came across a moving document which appeared on Vatican radio--letters from detained young prisoners in California organized by Mike Kennedy S J If the right wing Catholics did not get the pope 39 s gesture these young prisoners did Quite lovely reading You can find it here nbsp
In All Things
John A. Coleman
Most of my adult life since Vatican II at every parish I have either worshipped or celebrated Holy Thursday the priest and others have washed the feet of men and women boys girls and elderly people I have never in my life given much extra thought to this practice because it struck me that Jesu
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA This is the last of my Lenten reflections on the second Chapter of the Yoga Sutras the Yoga of Action yoga in action You can find the preceding entries here We have in the past several weeks been looking at the last part of the chapter the eight ldquo limbs rdquo mdash integ
FaithIn All Things
Eileen Markey
It 39 s about love not death At the beginning of Lent I stood before the grave of three Maryknoll sisters in a crowded little cemetery in the northwestern province of El Salvador I 39 d come looking for Maura Clarke one of the four church women ndash Ita Ford Dorothy Kazel Jean Donovan are
In All Things
John A. Coleman
On April 11 we will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Pacem in Terris Peace on Earth which appeared in 1963 just months after the Cuban missile crisis Pope John had served as an important mediator between the Americans and Russians during that crisis Later Premier Kruschev said of John q
In All Things
Maryann Cusimano Love
Holy Week and Easter are where the rubber meets the road of our faith We look horrific suffering and death in the eye and wonder how God can be present through it all calling us closer to new life We are called to be an Easter people But do we truly believe in the resurrection not just as a h