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FaithIn All Things
Nick Genovese
Accompaniment, unlike charity, can't be done from a distance.
FaithIn All Things
Valerie Schultz
My parents found ways to make each other miserable towards the end of their marriage, but they also had times of deep love.
FaithIn All Things
The Editors
With the death of Father Fitzmyer, the biblical guild has lost another giant.
(Creative Commons, Flickr)
Arts & CultureIn All Things
Jim McDermott
The holiday special was the product of a Jewish producer from San Francisco and a Mexican-American Catholic whose mother brought him across the border in the 1920s.
Pope Francis, Donald Trump, new American cardinals, and the Little Sisters of the poor—a sampling of the biggest Catholic stories in 2016.
FaithIn All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
Stopping gun violence, supporting a minimum wage hike, Pope Francis and Donald Trump square off at the border and much more!
Mark Bosco, S.J. (Loyola University Chicago)
Arts & CultureIn All Things
Sean Salai
'Imagination is a spiritual reality that can draw us toward the good, the true and the beautiful.'