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In All Things
Tim Reidy
Habemus papam we 39 ll know who exactly in 40 minutes or so Watch ABC news to hear commentary from our own James Martin S J Here is the story from CNS VATICAN CITY CNS -- To the delighted surprise of many clouds of white smoke poured from the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel March
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
While the world ponders smoke signals from Rome the happy wonky warriors at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life have taken it upon themselves to prevent the mood among the world 39 s Catholics from getting too giddy Recent releases from Pew researchers have detailed the things about the chu
In All Things
In addition to Father Matt Malone's report from Rome yesterday, we have posted two additional videos to our YouTube channel from Rome. Here they are.
Christopher Hale
This guest blog comes from Christopher Hale co-founder of Millennial a digital journal that is dedicated to lifting up the voices of young Catholic intellectuals in the public sphere You can follow him on Twitter chrisjollyhale As the cardinal-electors meet this week in Rome to elect the next Su
In All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
It is a bit after Roman 13:00 on Day 2 of the Papal Conclave of 2013. As you undoubtedly know, both ballots were burned at approximately 11:40 a.m. local time (some commentators think that the smoke coming twenty minutes earlier than expected meant something; I am not convinced that there’s a ‘there’ there. And if there were, how could we possibly know what it is?) In any event, the smoke was black. Really black. It is difficult to see on television, but I can attest to the fact that the smoke is, indeed, quite dark and thick; it looks as if the Sistine Chapel is on fire. Saint Peter’s Square was not packed for the billows, owing mainly to the rain and the remote probability that this morning’s smoke would be white. Even the election of Joseph Ratzinger in 2005 took until the afternoon of the second day and most of the cardinals knew going into the conclave that Ratzinger was the man to beat.
In All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
I have received a number of your questions via Twitter Thanks for sending sending them in We will get to as many of them as we can in the days ahead You can send your questions to americaeditor Among our questions today nbsp ldquo How many non-cardinals are in the Sistine Chapel during the vot