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John L. Lewis, center, in 1938 (Wikicommons photo)
In All Things
Paul D. McNelis, S.J.
Sadly, our contemporary labor leaders have not had the forward-looking vision of John L. Lewis.
Ron Fournier (Penguin Random House)
In All Things
Sean Salai
The next parent who Googles “Is my 2-year-old gifted?” should get a curt response: “Your 2-year-old is a gift.”
In All Things
Olga Segura
No matter how difficult practices seemed, or how disappointing losses were, Summitt’s words inspired us.
In All Things
Ellen K. Boegel
The Supreme Court's decision may lead to more litigation as prochoice advocates challenge other abortion-specific laws.
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
Some of us still hope that the 2016 election will not be remembered in history as a scandal.
Lou De Laage, center, in "The Innocents" (image courtesy of Music Box Films).
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
The sisters struggle to understand anew their own bodies as one after the other they give birth.