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In All Things
Valerie Schultz
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp My husband finally got me to watch the movie ldquo Hugo rdquo I rsquo d had no desire to see it when it was first out in the theaters because it had been advertised as a 3-D film I rsquo d also somehow had the impression that it
FaithFaith in Focus
James Martin, S.J.
We grow worried and concerned and bothered and angry and sometimes scandalized because your divine institution, our home, is filled with human beings who are sinful. Just like me.
In All Things
Nicholas P. Cafardi
I have sometimes criticized the behavior of bishops in their handling of the child sex abuse crisis but I cannot agree with the criticism of Cardinal Dolan currently being made regarding the payments that the Milwaukee archdiocese made to malefactor priests for their cooperation in the ldquo laic
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
In The Paranoid Style of Church Politics the witty Wimpy Catholic nbsp Max Lindeman reviews some of the recent rhetoric out of the bishops conference and wonders if too many members have been reaching for aluminum miters of late nbsp In 2010 InsideCatholic com director Deal W Hudson asked
In All Things
Kerry Weber
From the New York Times In a spirited retort to the Vatican a group of Roman Catholic nuns is planning a bus trip across nine states this month stopping at homeless shelters food pantries schools and health care facilities run by nuns to highlight their work with the nation rsquo s poor and
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Some anniversaries worth noting this week begin of course with Tiananmen Square It s odd to think that these days all Beijing and Washington appear willing to argue about is air pollution but there was a time when we had wider ethical chasms to cross Free trade makes strange bedfellows of us al