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In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA Several blogs ago I promised that I would say something about recent events at CSWR the Center for the Study of World Religions which I direct and Harvard during Interfaith Week and the days around it As I suggested in that previous blog most of our events were not directly conn
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Clayton Sinyai
nbsp American Catholics most studies suggest give significantly less to charity than our Protestant and for that matter Mormon nbsp counterparts If their 2010 tax returns are any guide it seems this nbsp holds true in the subset of Americans running for president as well nbsp Protestant Ba
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Peter Schineller
LINcredible Jeremy Lin has taken NY by storm Before each game he and teammate Landry Fields have a ritual He has been called the Taiwanese Tebow but he is not Tebowing He and Landry pretend they are paging through a book and then raise hands and eyes to heaven They explain that the
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Sidney Callahan
I received a call recently asking me for comment on the ongoing disagreements of the Catholic Bishops with the administration over health care coverage for contraception nbsp My interviewer was seeking support for the government rsquo s position and she was surprised to find that so many ldquo pr
In All Things
Tim Reidy
How do you teach a twelve year old to pray An intriguing proposal from our friends at The Jesuit Post Have you ever wanted to teach middle school I thought not It rsquo s no easy task to get sixth graders to sit still must less get knowledge in their heads You can imagine my astonishment whe
In All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
nbsp Earlier this week the state of Washington became the seventh in the US to legalize gay marriage after the legislature approved a bill that was introduced and ultimately signed by Gov Chris Gregoire Gregoire a Catholic had been an opponent of same-sex marriage for years perhaps for polit