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In All Things
Tim Reidy
Last week I had the privilige of visiting Salt Light communications in Toronto a very impressive organization that operates a host of nbsp media ministries including a television station a radio program a magazine and of course a blog Salt Light is directed by Fr Tom Rosica who also se
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The Catholic Health Association has released an updated statement on the recent HHS position on a narrow religious exemption for Catholic institutional employers nbsp Something has to be fixed By SR CAROL KEEHAN DC CHA president and chief executive officer CHA and its members were profoundly di
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Today is the last day of our longtime literary editor Patricia A Kossmann who joined the staff of America in 1999 nbsp Among many other distinctions she was the first full-time female editor at our magazine nbsp It rsquo s difficult for me to describe with any degree of objectivity all that
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Here is a sneak peek at next week s editorial For a century and a half the Catholic Church in the United States has served the American people with health care education and social services Even a few months ago it would have seemed preposterous to suggest that the U S government would place the
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
In a bit of sad news after 70 nbsp years of distinguished service the publication Review for Religious will suspend publication at least in its current format nbsp Whether or not it will be revived and in what capacity is not known nbsp Michael Harter SJ the current editor writes in th
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The U S bishops this week continued a scorching rhetorical response to the recent H H S decision to maintain a narrow religious exemption for contraception requirements in new health insurance plans but some reporters have noted a small problem with all the outrage Primarily its absence in previ