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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A Thanksgiving PrayerLoving God who created and sustains the universe who loved us all into being and who gives us every good thing we thank you for the blessings that you bring into our lives nbsp We thank you for the gift of life itself which you gave us in our mothers wombs We thank you for t
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Everyone from your know-it-all neighbor to your more-processed-than-you-are therapist to your holier-than-thou pastor will tell you that the holidays can be stressful times Even though you roll your eyes after hearing this for the umpteenth time you know they re right Why Oh for about a billion
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
More than 210 organizations are engaged in religious lobbying or religion-related advocacy in Washington D C a fivefold increase over the last 40 years according to a new report Lobbying for the Faithful from the Pew Research Center s Forum on Religion amp Public Life Collectively the gro
In All Things
The New York Times reports that Afghan President Hamid Karzai recently outlined to the Afghan elders his proposal for a long American presence This comes as a surprise to anyone who believed Obama rsquo s promise that ldquo all rdquo American troops would be out of Afghanistan by 2014 And this c
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
There has been a great deal of ink spilled and pixels posted over the new English translation of the Mass that is the new edition of the Roman Missal which will be formally introduced into American parishes this coming Sunday nbsp Even the secular media has gotten wind of the changes with th
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
In preparation for next Sunday s rollout of the new English translation of the Mass Fr John Baldovin SJ professor of historical and liturgical theology at Boston College s School of Theology and Ministry offers this in-depth introduction to the changes in the Mass nbsp It s a longish presenta