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In All Things
Tim Reidy
Our weekly feature article from Mirada Global The access to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a basic human right declared the UN General Assembly in 2010 Yet less consensus exists generally on the question whether the operation of water supply should be organized privately or by p
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Here s more for my reality once again outpacing satire folder h t to David Gibson at dotcommonweal and The Lede The president s recent decision to commit 100 U S military advisors to train Ugandan Central African Republic and Congolese troops so they can God willing finally put an end to th
FaithIn All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Every Jesuit saint was a member of the Society of Jesus, lived vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in community; and were formed by the Spiritual Exercises. But even with those important commonalities, no one was alike.
In All Things
Michael J. O’Loughlin
The Minnesota Independent reports on the most recent efforts of the Archdiocese of St Paul and Minneapolis to lend Catholic support to a ballot initiative that would constitutionally ban same-sex marriage in that state Archbishop John Nienstedt sent a letter to every priest in the state at the sta
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
Those interested in theological matters related to Occupy Wall Street may also be interested in the Sacred Space at the site I have posted some pictures and other commentary here nbsp
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
We have received news that Dean Brackley SJ a great apostle of social justice and a Jesuit who volunteered to work at the University of Central America in El Salvador nbsp after the martyrdom of the Jesuits there in 1989 has died after a battle with cancer nbsp More will be written about this