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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The Rev Terrance W Klein professor of theology St Bonaventure s University nbsp and author of nbsp Vanity Faith nbsp catches up with TNT s hit sci-fi series Falling Skies and finds its take on American culture none too um nbsp alien I recently enjoyed a barbeque at the Connecticut home of
In All Things
I don rsquo t read on the beach The beach is for long walks and quick plunges into the surf I am at Sea Bright the northernmost town on the Jersey Shore for two weeks and I brought Pat Conroy rsquo s My Reading Life with me perfect company as I sit in the front room or on the balcony overloo
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
First it was the the market -- the collapse of 2008 then the state -- the MPs expenses scandal Now comes the third great crisis of trust in British institutions this time in the third estate The discovery of the rot at the heart of journalism -- yesterday Rupert Murdoch was forced to shut dow
In All Things
Mike Avery
The archdiocese of Boston has suffered greatly since the sexual-abuse crisis surfaced in 2002 nbsp Newspapers have published dozen of articles the Boston Globe won the Pultizer Prize for Public Service in 2003 for its coverage and commentated on the repercussions orginating from a system most cal
FaithIn All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Ever since the Second Vatican Council spoke of the universal call to holiness, there has been a move to recognize more lay men and women as saints as models of sanctity for lay Catholics.
In All Things
Timothy W. O'Brien, S.J.
This week the L A Times ran a story about the makeshift shrines to Our Lady of Guadalupe that populate Los Angeles The article is a moving testament to popular devotion and to the attempt to make everyday places into sites of contact with God These mini-grottoes have often served as focal points