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In All Things
Kerry Weber
The annual Catholic Media Convention took place June 21-25 in Pittsburgh PA The convention is a great chance for members of the Catholic press to meet and to exchange ideas It concludes with the presentation of the Catholic Press Awards and I m pleased to announce that this year America received
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Austen Ivereigh
When Mordechai Lewy Israeli ambassador to the Holy See praised the role of Pope Pius XII in saving Jews during World War II he managed to upset a lot of people -- hardly surprising given the way an entire academic industry has been built on the idea that Pius XII failed to raise his voice agains
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Clayton Sinyai
In a tentative settlement with the multiple labor unions representing GE workers General Electric has nbsp closed its pension to new hires The news comes just after the United Mineworkers and the Bituminous Coal Operators Association just reached a settlement with the same condition According to
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Tom Beaudoin
In mourning the recent death of saxophonist Clarence Clemons Timothy Egan has a column in the New York Times about the significance for rock fans of the interracial friendship of Clarence Clemons and Bruce Springsteen He revises Martin Luther King Jr s famous observation about Sunday morning bei
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Vincent J. Miller
I keep running into this passage from Caritas in Veritate and am always struck by its uncanny relevance to the politics of the present moment in the U S and in my state of Ohio 25 From the social point of view systems of protection and welfare already present in many countries in Paul VI s day
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Here is an important article to read H t to Dotcommonweal nbsp Karen J Terry the lead nbsp investigator for the John Jay College nbsp study on the Causes and Contexts of clerical sexual abuse in the church responds to critics who faulted the conclusions of the study and the methods used to