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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Loyola Press has just released the new paperback edition of nbsp A Jesuit Off-Broadway Center Stage with Faith Doubt Forgiveness and More and allowed me to offer nbsp an excerpt from the first chapter nbsp The book tells the story of nbsp six months working as a theological consultant to the
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A mainstream movie with mainstream stars about a devout Christian with an overtly Christian message nbsp Helen Hunt and Dennis Quaid star in Soul Surfer a nbsp buzzed-about film opening on Friday nbsp John McCarthy in an online Culture piece takes a look at the movie about a surfer s brush wi
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Mitch Pacwa SJ host of EWTN Live interviews the great Jesuit historian John Padberg SJ on the history of the Society of Jesus nbsp Father Padberg director and genearl editor of the Institute of Jesuit Sources has forgotten more about Jesuit history than I know nbsp The show is well worth
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
London Yesterday in Westminster around 200 Catholic bishops charity directors politicians Lords academics and thinkers gathered under the ponderous title of Renewing a sense of social responsibility to consider how the Church in England and Wales should respond to a new era in the economy an
In All Things
William Van Ornum
Paul Theroux likes trains he has roamed the world and ridden trains and written great books with neat names like Ghost Train to the Eastern Star or The Old Patagonia Express In his upcoming book he brings us a spiritual sense of the meaning of travel To be released in May Tao of Travel Enli
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
In a blunt lecture on Monday at Marquette University in Milwaukee Wis Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin nbsp made what to my mind is nbsp a stunning admission about the sexual abuse crisis in the church nbsp With perhaps two exceptions he has not encountered a real and unconditional admiss