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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
If you ve been wondering how badly the sex abuse crisis has hurt the bishops ability to speak on any moral ethical challenges in modern civic life listen to the rhetorical bombs being dropped in New Hampshire I know a state that doesn t exactly spring to the fore when contemplating overheated pol
In All Things
William Van Ornum
Not only will many readers here have direct experience with decades of marriage themselves of ministering to those engaged or of officiating at weddings a good number will be 18-22 year old persons themselves who will have an interest in marriage as they may be considering it someday and at l
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
As I was reading Michael Winerip s article this morning in the New York Times titled Teenagers Speak Up for Lack of Faith on the rise of atheist and agnostic clubs in U S high schools I was drawing parallels to the secular music scenes with which I am familiar It has been my perception con
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
A great new series from the U S nbsp Jesuit Conference on the path to priesthood called P2P and featuring a soon-to-be-ordained Radmar Jao nbsp Follow nbsp Radmar as he and several of his brother Jesuits nbsp move closer towards ordination this year nbsp Radmar s nbsp ordination will be o
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
This kind of incident happens to priests more frequently than one might think nbsp A few months ago on a commuter train I was in my collar and I heard a woman say to her small son Don t get near that man nbsp This is from Archbishop Timothy Dolan s blog It was only the third time it had happ
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Here is a filmed review of Of Gods and Men that aired this weekend on PBS s Religion nbsp amp Ethics Newsweekly nbsp It features a wealth of beautiful clips from this beautiful film nbsp Watch the full episode See more Religion amp Ethics NewsWeekly