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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
True unity and true dialogue can only be found in common mission.
The Quiet Comic Duo: Ray Goulding and Bob Elliott
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
That was their gift: simplicity as comedy.
Nicholas Sparks, the popular Catholic romance novelist, in a 2010 photo. (CNS photo/Alan Markfield, courtesy Warner Bros.)
In All Things
Sean Salai
The Catholic romance novelist's latest film adaptation, 'The Choice,' opens Feb. 5.
In All Things
Michael Rozier, S.J.
Although we the United States like to talk about how “other countries” ration health care, we have, we do, and we always will.
Photo by Sebastian Unrau at Unsplash.com
In All Things
Matt Emerson
A vocation is not a fork in the road; it's a garden.
Dr. Brant Pitre (Image Books)
In All Things
Sean Salai
Every year around Easter, a flurry of books, articles and documentaries are released claiming to reveal the long-lost “truth” about the Gospels.