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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The NY Times reports that in a major reversal the Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced that it had placed 21 priests on administrative leave from active ministry in connection with credible charges that they had sexually abused minors According to the Times The announcement Tuesday was a majo
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Last week I wrote here about the Vatican refusing to renew the post of Lesley-Anne Knight secretary-general of Caritas Internationalis the outrage it has caused in the organization and what it might mean The piece is summarized in this week s Signs of the Times nbsp Since then 1 Caritas spok
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Lent which nbsp begins with Ash Wednesday tomorrow in case you ve forgotten nbsp is often seen as a nbsp rather downbeat time focusing mainly on giving things up nbsp While sacrifice penance and self-abnegation are all valuable spiritual disciples that can help us detach ourselves f
In All Things
John A. Coleman
nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp A month ago while listening to NPR s All Things Considered I heard the writer Adam Haslitt author of the novel Union Atlantic wax eloquent about a 1957 book A Time to Keep Silence more recently re-issued by the famed British travel writer Patrick Leig
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The U S Conference of Catholic Bishops has challenged some of the sharp reductions in social spending being considered for the 2011 federal budget Bishop Stephen Blaire of Stockton California chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development in a March 4 letter to the U S
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Thought someone might post this yesterday and chances are our loyal readers have already seen it But I suspect it will spark an interesting conversation Ross Douthat writing in Monday s New York Times In 2002 the study reported 22 percent of Americans aged 15 to 24 were still virgins By 2008