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In All Things
John Carr
How did we get to a place where three leading candidates are widely seen as untrustworthy, narcissistic or insufferable?
SINS OF THE FATHERS. A scene from Pablo Larrain's 'The Club'
In All Things
Raymond A. Schroth, S.J.
'The Club' is the story of spiritual darkness, clouded minds, of sunset in miserable lives, of violence and piety.
Mirabile Visu! Rerum novarum indeed
In All Things
Clayton Sinyai
A handful of colleges have advanced questionable claims that respecting "Rerum Novarum" would obstruct their religious mission.
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The indictments produced a wave of media coverage heavy with schadenfruede among supporters of Planned Parenthood.
In All Things
Sam Sawyer, S.J.
What if we admitted that what the Planned Parenthood videos revealed was legal, and then asked why?
Nathan Schneider
Universal basic income is an idea with a lot of potential, but what matters is how such a policy is implemented.