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In All Things
Karen Sue Smith
In his speech after the tragic shooting of 19 people in Tucson President Obama brought great consolation to the American people He explained his presence in humble terms ldquo as an American rdquo come to mourn with all those present But he played another very significant role however The p
In All Things
The cover of this week s Economist above says it well This is America s image today a culture wherein the solution to any problem from an imagined insult to a paranoid fear of big government is resolved at gun point nbsp Blame movies and TV crime shows where the heroes and bad guys all tote
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
You ve probably read about Fr Alberto Cutie s new book Dilemma in which he recounts his leaving of the Catholic priesthood to marry and his subsequent joining of the Episcopal Church nbsp The Diane Rehm Show invited me on this morning to speak about celibacy along with Fr Cutie whose book is
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Michael J. O’Loughlin
The Archdiocese of Boston released a new non-discrimination policy for Catholic schools last week The Boston Globe reports The Archdiocese of Boston under fire from all sides after a parochial school withdrew an admissions offer to the child of a lesbian couple yesterday released a new Catholi
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Archbishop Vincent Nichols concluding this morning s hugely long and solemn ordination Mass allowed himself an inpromptu remark This was an extraordinary moment he told a packed congregation of 2 000 at Westminster Cathedral adding This is how church history is made The liturgy was unexce
In All Things
Kevin Clarke
The good news out of Tucson is that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords continues to improve Doctors report that she has been making spontaneous movements Trauma surgeon Dr Peter Rhee told reporters at the University Medical Center in Tucson She is getting better every day She was able to actua