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In All Things
Ellen K. Boegel
The decision creates the possibility of release for approximately 2,000 inmates nationwide.
In All Things
Zac Davis
We're teaching young people to fight battles in an outdated and tired culture war.
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who became Pope Francis, washes the feet of residents of a shelter for drug users during Holy Thursday Mass at a church in a poor neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2008. Following a request by Pope Francis, the Vatican issued a decree Jan. 21 specifying that the Holy Thursday foot-washing ritual can include women. (CNS photo/Enrique Garcia Medina, Reuters)
In All Things
Laurie Ziliak
Pope Francis changed the rules to allow women to be included in the foot washing on Holy Thursday—something that was already happening in many places.
In All Things
Lisa A. Baglione
The news that Putin "probably" approved the murder of Alexander Litvinenko is the latest in a long list of his violent acts.
In All Things
William E. Lori
Archbishop Lori: Today conscience protections for people with moral or religious objections to abortion are being taken away.
Kristan Hawkins (Students for Life of America)
In All Things
Sean Salai
"An unplanned pregnancy can be terrifying. The pro-life movement needs to show America that being pro-life is being pro-woman."