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In All Things
Kevin Clarke
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is in his sixth hour of a true filibuster not the fake procedural variety that Republican Senators have used for years to tie up Democratic legislation in a gesture against the tax deal worked out between Republican leaders and President Obama House Democrats turned
In All Things
Tim Reidy
Little late on this but I hope you ll check out our multiple features on the legacy of Cardinal Avery Dulles First in the November 29 issue Jeffrey Gros reviewed the new biography of Cardinal Dulles by Patrick W Carey We have also reprinted several articles Cardinal Dulles wrote for America A
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The church has approved as worthy of belief for the first time a Marian apparition in the United States after a two-year investigation by the local bishop nbsp Bishop David L Ricken of Green Bay has approved the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary as seen by Adele Brise in Champion Wis
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Horror movie camp classic wannabe nbsp or balletomane s dream nbsp Check out Tim Reidy s entirely enjoyable review of Darren Aronofsky s provocative and somewhat controversial new film Black Swan for some answers nbsp Is ldquo Black Swan rdquo a ballet film Though dancers occupy almost eve
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
John Allen s has a lengthy revealing and surprising nbsp interview with Archbishop Joseph Tobin Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life the Vatican office running the apostolic visitation of nbsp women s religious communities in the Unite
In All Things
William Van Ornum
The past few months I ve been impressed with the coverage of New York Times writer Robert Pear in his coverage of how legislation and politics are affecting health care His articles are highly detailed and he shows he has done a great deal of homework in preparing them Underlying his reports I f