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In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
I ve arrived back in London to find that five Anglican bishops -- three serving and two retired -- have announced that they will be joining the Catholic Church next year via the ordinariate scheme - and presumably bringing priests and lay people in their tow The Daily Telegraph estimates that aroun
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Josepmaria Tarragona is one of the world s leading experts on the architect of the Sagrada Familia Antoni Gaudi and one of the founders of the association which is promoting Gaudi s sainthood I sat down with him over coffee this morning after visiting the Basilica with Tarragona and an Italian fi
FaithIn All Things
Kevin Clarke
ldquo A catastrophe rdquo is how Samir Sumaida rsquo ie Iraq rsquo s ambassador to the United States described the Oct 31 attack on Baghdad rsquo s Syriac Catholic Cathedral Fifty-two were killed along with six attackers and 78 were wounded when Iraqi Security Forces stormed church offices wh
In All Things
Tim Reidy
From Mirada Global Where Vargas Llosa truly shows us his streak as a writer and especially an essayist is in his study of his much admired Flaubert through Madame Bovary with a beautiful title The Perpetual Orgy Beyond the distance in years 115 years Vargas Llosa considered Flaubert as the
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
To add some video to Austen Ivereigh s comprehensive coverage of Pope Benedict s trip to Spain here is some video of the consecration of the Sagrada Familia Basilica on Sunday
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
BARCELONA Pope Benedict XVI has left Spain after a visit of less than 48 hours after a warm send-off by King Juan Carlos and a brief meeting with the the country s anticlerical prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero Zapatero has conspicuously absented himself from the papal visit to Spain